This Is Ryan.

Ryan rules. He absolutely does. And not just because he’s writing this. But mostly because he’s writing this.

This is the new category. Meet the Staff. See, we open today (!!!), so you should know who’s about to sell you stuff. And since I insisted on this, and because nobody that works for us really wants to go first, I figured I’d lead by example. So this is the format, y’all:

L:C staff member: Ryan
So you work at life:curated (awesome) but what else: Well, shit, I wrote the question and I don’t even know how to answer it. Meyer and I have been working on the store for about nine solid months now, so there’s that. Other than that, I’m a book designer at Penguin and an all around badass. And humble.
Favorite item of clothing: Currently digging Buckler’s drop crotch jean. Breathing room is good.
Fave restaurant in the hood: Marlow & Sons. Hands down.
Fave weekend pastime: McCarren Greenmarket. I used to be the bread guy. Bakers Bounty 4eva!
What’re you currently listening to: Jaime Lidell.

So that’s how this category works. Meyer’s up next.

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3 Responses to This Is Ryan.

  1. Lauren Rohde says:

    I like this idea, Ryan. Way to step up and be the first! Question though – will BR have his own profile too? : )

  2. David Logsdon says:

    Had I been directing this photo I would have said “Nice, but now give me something a little more Christina’s World.”

    I love Ryan, and someday, when I’m ready, I may even ask him to explain “drop crotch” jeans to me.

  3. Pingback: Top 5 Things To See/Know/Do This Week | Walking In Public

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